
Hammond Avenue Distribution System Upgrade

Superior Water, Light & Power is upgrading its natural gas and water distribution system to ensure long-term safety and reliability. We are replacing old steel gas mains and service lines with polyethylene pipe.

Our goal is to safely complete the improvements in your neighborhood with as few disruptions as possible. Here are answers to some questions you might have about the project.

What parts of Superior are affected?

Approximately 5,000 feet of Superior Water Light and Power’s (SWL&P) natural gas main is to be relocated, as shown in Figure 1, as part of the Hammond Avenue street upgrade project in Superior, Wisconsin. The existing 12-inch pipeline will be replaced by dual 8-inch plastic piping that will be installed outside of the roadway to accommodate the upcoming construction work.

During construction, you can expect the following in your neighborhood:

  • SWL&P employees and contractors working in roadways and yards. SWL&P employees and contractors will carry ID badges and we encourage you to ask them for identification. Hanco Utilities of Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin, will install the new natural gas mains and service lines under the direct supervision of SWL&P. SWL&P will always have an inspector on site.
  • Underground gas and other utility locations will be mapped using locator flags and paint.
  • Construction work, including holes and trenches, in roadways, boulevards and yards. For safety, disturbed areas may be temporarily restored in preparation for the City of Superior’s upcoming reconstruction of Hammond Avenue.
  • As construction proceeds, parking may be limited to one side of a street or alley or prohibited on both sides of a street or alley during assigned work hours. “No Parking” signs will alert you to any restrictions.

The upgrade involves relocating natural gas meters to outside locations. If you have a meter inside your home or business, we’ll contact you to schedule a time for moving the meter.

Our priority is to keep disruptions to a minimum and we expect to restore service during the switchover in a timely fashion. We’ll give you advance notice of the temporary disruption in service and will use door hangers when needed to re-light your appliances.

For more information about how you can enjoy the benefits of safe, reliable and efficient natural gas, click here to fill out an application for natural gas service.

  • Call SWL&P Customer Service at 800-227-7957
  • Visit the City of Superior's Information Page for this project